About Us
Visiting Troop 41
If you would like to join Troop 41 please attend one of our meetings. Troop meetings are held every Tuesday from 7PM-8:30PM in the Fellowship Hall at Immanuel Baptist Church, 3100 Tates Creek Road, Lexington, KY, 40502. Please follow the signs to the Fellowship Hall (Door #7) when you enter the parking lot.
Learn more about our charter Immanuel Baptist Church
Troop 41 Values
Troop 41 strives to be a “Boy Led” Boy Scout Troop dedicated to the ideals established in the original Handbook for Boys. It is the goal of Troop 41 to assist in developing boys to be young men with high moral standards and effective leadership skills. Scout Spirit is continually stressed and demonstration of leadership is required in all rank advancements.
“Duty to God” is one of our highest priorities. Christian worship services are conducted on every trip when the Troop is together on Sunday. Scouts are encouraged to pursue their God and Country award. Training classes are through their own denominations and no Scout is required to attend training sessions through the sponsoring church. However, Scouts from other churches, and those who are not affiliated with a specific church, are welcome to pursue the God and Country award through Immanuel.
“Duty to Country” is taken seriously by Troop 41. Each year Scouts from Troop 41 participate in placing Page 1 Revised 10/2018 flags at the Camp Nelson National Cemetery in preparation for Memorial Day observances. The Troop engages in a variety of other activities to improve the environment and maintain our heritage.
Troop 41 Expectations
Troop 41 is a growing and active Troop which conducts at least one outing each month. In months when there are District or Council activities, the Troop may conduct additional outings. Boys are expected to attend the weekly meetings and are encouraged to participate in the weekend outings whenever possible, although it is recognized that not all Scouts can participate in every outing. The Troop will camp approximately 30 nights per year (including a week long summer camp) in which Scouts will learn and apply skills in hiking, camping, cooking, swimming, canoeing, backpacking and a variety of other activities.
Each Scout must complete a Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Application form which the parent or guardian must sign, prior to participation in Scout activities. Annually, each Scout must submit BSA required medical forms which must be signed by the parent or guardian. Part of the annual medical form must also be signed by his physician.
Troop 41 Leadership
Parents are encouraged to also join the Troop as Assistant Scoutmasters or as members of the Troop Committee. Adult leaders are required to complete a leader application and take Youth Protection Training (YPT) online. The application and the YPT certificate are then submitted to the Troop for appropriate processing and subsequent submission to BSA. Adult leaders are also required to file the AHMR annually.
Troop 41 Organization
Troop 41 History
Boy Scout Troop 41 is chartered by Immanuel Baptist Church.
Troop 41 was originally chartered in 1946 by Immanuel Baptist Church and continues to be charted and sponsored by the Church. It is a unit of the Palisades District of the Bluegrass Council, Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts of America is a Congressionally chartered Organization.
Troop 41 was first chartered in 1946 by the Veteran’s Class of the Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. Members of the Veteran’s Class formed the first Troop Committee. Those members were Oliver Williamson (elected Chairman of the Troop Committee), Sterling Chase, Harry Palmer and William McDowell. The Troop has been chartered continuously since 1946 and in that time span has produced more than a hundred Eagle Scouts and has influenced many other lives. Many of Troop 41's members have earned the God and Country award since the inception of that program. On October 26, 1996, Troop 41 held a 50th Anniversary Celebration which was attended by many of the Troop’s alumni. A significant number of former members and leaders are still in attendance at Immanuel Baptist and are active in the church.