New Scouts/Parents
New Scouts/Parents
Welcome to Troop 41!
We are so glad your son has found a home with us! We are thrilled to each and every one of our first year scouts! It is very exciting and we are working hard to make sure all new scouts advance as fast as they desire. The adult patrol advisers have a weekly plan and they are working that plan nicely. It may seem like chaos, but have faith. Your new scout will have earned the rank of Scout in no time at all. However, for this first rank he needs you to do 3 things for/with him.
1) Fill out and turn in a BSA Youth Application to Mrs. Ballman
2) Fill out and turn in Part A and B of the BSA Health Form to Mrs. Fox or Mrs. Stauffer
3) Purchase a Boy Scout Handbook and Complete the exercises (with your son) in the pamphlet at the front of his book
(How to Protect your Children from Child Abuse; A Parent's Guide)
2024 Parent Meeting Topics
March 26 - Intro to Troop 41
April 9 - Campouts/Gear/Buying Food
April 16 - Committee and Finance
April 23 - Advancement Procedures
May 21 - Summer Camp
New Parent Training
5 topics for parent meeting will be held to discuss the differences between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts and what you as a parent or guardian can do to help your child succeed in his scouting career. New Parent Notebooks were be handed out at this meeting. Please see Mrs. Ballman if you were unable to attend this meeting and did not receive your New Parent Notebook. New Parent Notebooks can be a handy guide to answer many of your questions. We have posted much of the information on this website.
Important Contacts
2024 New Scout Patrol - Adult Advisers
Geoff Mooney
Kevin Coupal
Committee Chair