
Troop Leadership Role Descriptions

★ - Indicates Open Position/Needed Volunteers

1.     Chairman: 

Organize committee and ensure that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed; maintain relationship with charter organization representative and Scoutmaster; interpret national and local policies to the Troop; arrange for charter review and recharter annually.

a.   Assistant Chairman: 

Assist Chairman in prescribed duties.

2.    Secretary: 

Coordinate record keeping and ensure that computer files are kept current; keep meeting minutes at Committee Meetings and send meeting notices; coordinate publicity; conduct troop resource survey.

a.  Assistant Secretary:

Assist Secretary in prescribed duties.  Coordinate record keeping and ensure that computer files are kept current; keep meeting minutes at Committee Meetings and send meeting notices; coordinate publicity; conduct troop resource survey.

b.   Software Administrator:

Coordinate record keeping in Troop Master program; ensure that files are kept current; administer and train users on Troop Master program.

c.   Web Administrator:

Maintain troop website.           

3.     Treasurer: 

Handle troop funds, pay bills; maintain bank accounts; train and supervise troop and patrol scribes in record keeping; supervise fund raising; maintain escrow accounts; prepare annual budget.

a.   Assistant Treasurer: 

Assist Treasurer in prescribed duties.

b.   Fund Raising Coordinator: 

Coordinate fund raising activities, including popcorn sales; coordinate and promote Friends of Scouting annually.

c.   Journey to Excellence (JTE) Coordinator:

Maintain data for JTE throughout year and assist Treasurer in completing annual JTE report at recharter.

4.     Outdoor/Activities Coordinator: 

Assist adult leader in charge of each outing to ensure that tour permits, camp site permission, and transportation are complete for each outing;

a.   Assistant Outdoor/Activities Coordinator:

Assist Outdoor/Activities Coordinator in prescribed duties.  Assist adult leader in charge of each outing to ensure that tour permits, camp site permission, and transportation are complete for each outing;

b.   Transportation Coordinator: 

Serve as transportation liaison with van rental companies; develop and maintain list of approved private owned vehicles (POV) and drivers; recruit new drivers as necessary; maintain driver medical records and insurance; and coordinate driver training programs.

c.   Summer Camp Coordinator: 

Coordinate summer camp registration for scouts; make reservation with camp; work with Scoutmaster to secure leaders for camp.

5.     Advancement Coordinator: 

Encourage all scouts to advance toward Eagle; work with troop scribe to maintain all scout advancement records, including computer records; arrange quarterly boards of review and courts of honor; submit advancement reports to Council service center; secure badges and certificates; coordinate merit badge library and counselor list.

a.   Assistant Advancement Coordinator: 

Assist Advancement Coordinator in prescribed duties.

b.  Merit Badge Coordinator: 

Work with troop librarian to organize and maintain troop library of merit badge pamphlets and other resource materials; develop and maintain list of merit badge counselors.

c.   Eagle Advisor: 

Verify advancement records at council office; counsel Eagle candidates as they complete their Eagle paperwork; serve as liaison with district or council Eagle board of review.

d.   Service Project Advisor:

Help Star, Life and Eagle candidates develop service project ideas; counsel scouts as they work on their service projects.

i.    Star:

ii.   Life: 

iii.  Eagle: 

e.  Court of Honor Coordinator:

Coordinate with Scout Master to organize quarterly Courts of Honor; arrange required food services and programs for Courts of Honor.

f.    Eagle Court of Honor Coordinator: 

Coordinate Eagle Courts of Honor; arrange letters of commendation and other special awards; assist in scheduling and securing meeting space, programs, refreshments, and other amenities.

6.     Chaplain:

Provide spiritual tone for troop activities; provide guidance to troop chaplain; encourage scouts to participate in activities of religious organization of their choice; visit scout’s homes in time of sickness or need; encourage scouts to earn appropriate religious emblems.

a.   Assistant Chaplain: 

Assist Chaplain in prescribed duties.

7.   Training Coordinator: 

Ensure leaders have opportunities for training; encourage leaders to get training, including Fast Start for new leaders; develop and maintain up-to-date training materials and resources; develop and maintain database of training received by leaders; oversee BSA Youth Protection training within troop; work with Scoutmaster to promote junior leader training; recommend and coordinate procedures to ensure boys’ safety.

a. Assistant Training Coordinator: 

Assist Training Coordinator in prescribed duties.

b. Assistant Training Coordinator - Adults: 

Assist Training Coordinator in prescribed duties relating to adult training.

c. Assistant Training Coordinator - Youth: 

Assist Training Coordinator in prescribed duties relating to youth training.

8.     Equipment Coordinator: 

Supervise and help troop procure and maintain equipment; work with troop and patrol quartermasters to inventory, properly store, and maintain all troop equipment; conduct period safety checks on equipment; promote safe use of all equipment.

a.  Assistant Equipment Coordinator: 

Assist Equipment Coordinator in prescribed duties.

9.     Membership Coordinator: 

Develop and maintain plan for year-round membership flow into the troop; work with Cubmasters and Webelos den leaders to provide transition into troop, help recruit den chiefs, and assist in crossover ceremonies; maintain New Member packets; update computer membership records.

a.    Assistant Membership Coordinator: 

Assist Membership Coordinator in prescribed duties.

b.   Recharter Coordinator: 

Coordinate annual recharter effort; work with Chairman to ensure that recharter is complete and timely.

c.   Medical Records: 

Develop and maintain database to keep scout and leader medical forms current; advise scouts and leaders when forms are about to expire; organize and maintain medical form binders for outings.

10.   Order of the Arrow Coordinator: 

Encourage scouts to participate in Order of the Arrow; serve as troop liaison to local OA Chapter; schedule and coordinate OA elections, tap-out ceremonies, ordeals, and other activities.

a.   Assistant Order of the Arrow Coordinator:

Assist Order of the Arrow Coordinator in prescribed duties.